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Attention New Users: We occasionally receive inquiries from new visitors to the site about the existence of Albigen groups in their geographical area. You can use the Contact Site Admin choice under the Home & About menu tab above to find out more about us.

Raleigh NC - Triangle Inquiry Group
Friday, December 4, 2015
The Triangle Inquiry Group has evolved from meetings started almost twenty years ago when friends with the same questions began to meet every week to discuss their spiritual paths and the road to awakening. The members of the original group were students of the West Virginia Zen Master Richard Rose, but the gathering soon began to attract others of like mind with the same perplexing questions and the desire to not just know truth, but to become Truth. read more ...

Richard Rose lecture transcriptions
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Richard Rose gave talks across the nation, mostly in the northeast, from the early 1970s through the mid 1990s. There exist about 80 sets of tapes of lectures, group meetings and informal discussion, and these are currently being transcribed. Transcriptions made within the last few years are in PDF files at the linked "read more" page, or can be reached at other sites linked there. The page has search features, so the files can be searched by topic. read more ...

Interested in contributing your writings?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
We have been dormant a year and a half, but there's no reason the site can't be restarted. If you'd like to write for a blog here, or contribute to the Forums, the site could come back to life. Comments welcome - at this link:  read more ...

User "Seemingly" has created a blog: What Is This Life?
Monday, July 27, 2009
His first post includes reflections on important issues raised at the June retreat. Very interesting.

 read more ...

Self Inquiry Discussion Group of Raleigh - October weekend intensive
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The weekend will include a variety of speakers and activities. Dates are October 9th – 11th, 2009. To provide a forum for like-minded individuals with the intent of furthering their search, to help find an answer to one's deepest longing.

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April 2009 TAT Meeting presentations
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Talks by Art Ticknor, Bart Marshall and Paul Constant are now posted at the April 2009 TAT meeting page in the Members section (login required).

Art: "Immanence"
Bart: "The Quotable Rose: Ten One-Liners That Speak Volumes"
Paul: "No Religion Is Greater Than Friendship"

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April Intensive - TAT Foundation
(April 18 and 19, West Virginia)

Sunday, March 15, 2009
This is one of the four main meetings held annually by the TAT Foundation. Meet people from all around the U.S. (and Canada!) who are actively working with the system advocated by Richard Rose. read more ...

Linking TAT websites together
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The project is in its infancy, but two TAT sites have already set up a "feed" on their websites which is displayed automatically on this site. The Pittsburgh PSI group page here and the SearchWithin.Org page here instantaneously reflect changes their webmasters make to XML files on their own sites. For more info you can read the 2/13/09 entry on the Albigen.Net blog.

 read more ...

Blavatsky forum created
Monday, January 26, 2009
Jake J. has contributed some material on Blavatsky. A forum on Blavatsky was created in the Public area; the first thread is about her influence on Richard Rose; additional material on her advocacy of celibacy was posted in the Members area of the Forums. read more ...

"About Richard Rose" - by Mike Casari
Friday, January 16, 2009
Mike adapted an online interview at of himself to serve as the "About Richard Rose" page for this site. The audience was receptive and asked penetrating questions, which Mike was able to answer due to his 35 years work with Mr. Rose, and his own life-experience. read more ...

"Psychology and the Truth"
Monday, January 12, 2009
Vince continued his serialization of his commentaries on the Albigen Papers, publishing his notes on the Second Paper: "Psychology and the Truth." read more ...

Experimental "Albigen Wiki" installed.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Members who are logged-in will see the "Albigen Wiki" choice tab under "Albigen System" in the top menu. This could create more complexity than it cures, but it could be an interesting way to present the Albigen System. It's only a "sandbox" for now but feel free to experiment and let the siteadmin know what you think. 

User "SelfDef" began a blog series titled "Celibacy and the Spiritual Path"
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Richard Rose practiced celibacy in his youth and advocated a celibate lifestyle for people on a spiritual path - without making universal prescriptions because each person's situation and physical framework are unique. SelfDef relates some of his personal experiences here. read more ...

Vince published the first installment of his series on the Albigen Papers
Monday, December 29, 2008
The piece covers the 1st Paper, Social Illusions. This writing goes hand-in-hand with study of the book by the local working group. Vince's writing is direct and to the point, so definitely check it out. read more ...

Installed user-friendly Urls
Friday, December 12, 2008
For those of you who like technical details, the site Urls are now more user-friendly, and easier for search engines. 

Official Joseph Sadony website established
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The site is linked at the top of the Joseph Sadony page on this site:  read more ...

Paul Constant began with "Ante Room to the Absolute" ...
Friday, December 5, 2008
The first of a series of posts that recount the onset of discoveries about identity and awareness that profoundly changed his outlook and experience. read more ...

User "seemingly" began a Forum for Erik Knud-Hansen
Thursday, December 4, 2008
You may have seen the meticulous notes this user has diligently taken during TAT meetings. He recently attended a conference by Buddhist-Tao practitioner Erik Knud-Hansen and posted his notes to the forum (registered users only). As such, he becomes the de facto moderator for that Forum, and he invites your questions and discussion. read more ...

Mike and Gary have created blogs
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Mike's is called "Letters". read more ...
Gary's is "Life in the Bardo". read more ... 

"Frequently asked questions" page created
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The FAQ page deals with technical information. Any technical questions can be sent to the site manager using the contact form under the Home and About menu. read more ...

"Member News" page set up
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A page for member news has been established. It's visible only to members and you'll have to be logged-in to see it. read more ...

Filled-in the Joseph Sadony page with links to Gary's and Shawn's sites
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I had read Gates of the Mind but had no idea how much else Sadony had written; boy is his stuff inspiring; he really has a way with words. Check out his aphorisms, enLIGHT-NING'FLASHes read more ...

Vince has provided an introduction to the Albigen Papers ...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
While he is working on a more detailed synopsis, which will follow. read more ...

Currently updating local group pages after a long hiatus
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Please email Steve with further updates, additions, deletions, etc. 

November 2008 TAT meeting follow-up discussion page created
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This is in a members-only area. Members have received a link to the page (login is required to see it). 

"Ultimate Between-ness"
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bart's article, based on his session notes for the Labor Day TAT meeting.
 read more ...

Soliciting Beta Testers

Posted 2007

Purpose of this site:

  • To enhance communication among TAT members and groups
  • Portal and easy access (links) to other Albigen sites on the web (yours)
  • Contact and meeting information for Albigen working groups
  • Area for regular columns (blogs) by invited writers (that means you)
  • Area for Forums on various topics of interest
Testing is still in progress but you can help by providing some initial content. Please let me know if you would be willing to:
  • Write a regular or semi-regular column (blog) for the site
  • Moderate, prime the pump, or otherwise stir discussion in a forum - on the topic of your choice

If you're interested, just register, using the link at upper right. You'll need a valid email address, and a login name. Be aware that the "real name" the system asks for should be your pseudonym if you wish to use one for the site. I should be able to recognize you by your email address - otherwise, just let me know who you are after you register: manager at

There's more detail on the "About This Site" menu choice under "Home and About" in the top menu.

Thanks very much.