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Author: selfdef Created: 11/30/2008 11:43 AM
Celibacy and the Spiritual Path

By selfdef on 4/15/2009 6:39 PM

I still think of myself as an individual. That I am a person who thinks, lives and who will eventually die. Read More »

By selfdef on 3/8/2009 7:25 PM

I pray often. I sometimes pray for guidance. I often pray for clarity of mind. Or for inner peace. I occasionally pray for divine intervention. But who am I praying to? Read More »

By selfdef on 2/28/2009 1:33 PM

Patience as a Discipline

I meditate for an hour each day. I used to start a meditation with the intention of observing my thoughts. I would go into the observer and observe thoughts from that viewpoint. One day I decided to do it the opposite way around. I would start at the mind and back into the observer. Once I came to the observer I had to stop. I couldn’t go into the observer.
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By selfdef on 2/1/2009 5:31 PM

Back in early 1974 I used to occasionally hitchhike from Kent State to visit Mr. Rose in Benwood, W.VA. There would usually be a crowd of people visiting and we’d all gather in his kitchen. Read More »

By selfdef on 1/24/2009 12:30 PM

Notice of the celibate state of mind occurs after about 21 days. The mind becomes slightly more alert overall. I’m seemingly more observant of the self and of things around me. Read More »

By selfdef on 1/4/2009 10:59 AM

After practicing celibacy on and off for about 35 years, I decided to make this new year, my last year of celibacy. Read More »