Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Madame Nlavatsky

Richard Rose made frequent references to the works of H.P. Blavatsky and read her books closely in his youth. (Over time we hope to assemble the references on this page.) While not subscribing to the works of all its luminaries, RR had a high regard for the Theosophical Society as an organization because of their non-denominational principles and openness to sincere inquiry. RR began a series of public talks at the Theosophical Society in Pittsburgh, PA and occasionally spoke at chapters in other cities.

Some material on Blavatsky's views of celibacy was recently posted in the Member forums (you must be a member and be logged-in to see the member forums).

Update 1/26/09: A Blavatsky forum has been created in the Public forums areas. Kudos to Jake for his contributions.